Friday, February 06, 2004

Idiotic Quote of the Day

I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning when I read this article on MSN.

"When I was a kid, I'd watch every episode of ‘Leave It to Beaver.’ I thought the Cleavers had the perfect home life. Ward would come home from work to a clean home, supper in the oven and a loving wife who had his paper, pipe and slippers waiting in her freshly manicured hands, while Wally was upstairs with the Beav, helping him through the grade school crisis of the week.

"As an adult, I now wonder how couples of that era, like my parents, who married at a time when husbands worked and wives stayed home with the children, could have possibly made a marriage work. (Perhaps that's why the divorce rate began its climb.) What did they possibly have to talk about at the end of the day? Did June Cleaver really relate to Ward's head-splitting day at the office? Did Ward really give a hoot about June's pot roast dilemma at the market?"

What a complete bimbo. Does the author know nothing of logic? When moms stayed at home to take care of their families, divorce rates were low. (Okay, I realize there may have been a social stigma against divorce, and that’s why many bad marriages stayed intact - but that’s a different topic for a different time.) Now that moms dump their kids in daycare and don’t give their husbands the time of day, divorce rates are high. I cannot even believe the author of this article thinks people NOW get divorced because of what happened THEN. Um, no. People now get divorced because of what they do now (because their lives are a chaotic mess, they don’t have TIME to talk to each other, and their lives are spent making things besides their spouses and kids a priority!), not because of what happened in the 50’s. Good grief! Okay, sorry for the tirade, but that was enough to make my blood boil.

While we’re on the topic of marriage . . .

The End of Marriage in Scandinavia

Do you guys realize what a drastically different world we’ll be raising our kids in? And when they fall in love, will marriage be extinct? This is such an insightful and powerful article. I highly recommend you take the time to read it.

Okay, now I feel that my duty has been accomplished: I have loaded you up with reading material for the weekend. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!

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